In the driver, select Preferences to get options to change Page Setup (copies, multi-up), Finishing (staple, hole punch), or Paper Source. The combination of the uniFLOW Universal Driver, embedded applets for multiple vendors and the uniFLOW Release Station provide a print environment in which just a single driver is required for the entire fleet. They are installed inside JVM or Java Virtual Machine on the client side system. I Will continue the Search but they seem to cut off in October with any updates. 0 for SQL Server, a Type 4 JDBC driver that provides database connectivity through the standard JDBC application program interfaces (APIs) available in Java Platform, Enterprise Editions. It appears that the inside diameter of the tube needs to be 2”. 6 mm) Staple Capacity: 30 sheets (60 to 90 gsm), 20 sheets (91 to 120 gsm) Universal Send Features Original Type Selection, Two-sided Original, Different-size Originals, Density Adjustment, Sharpness, File Name, Subject/Message, Reply-to, E-mail Priority, TX Report, Original Content Orientation FAX SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Number of Connection Lines 1 Modem Speed Super G3: 33. When the JDBC database URL passed is not constructed properly D. type in “devices and printers” and hit enter. To compile this software using the Arduino IDE the following non-standard libraries will be required: Adafruit SSD1306 (Adafruit on GitHub) Adafruit GFX How to set up the Uniflow printer in a Windows Operatingsystem. 4 general purpose switches 4 general purpose GPIOs The final version of UniFlow will soon be available for purchase here: UniFlow in my Tindie Store.