The Day of the Soviet People for Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 (May 9) At a time when the Russian principalities further south were destroyed by the Mongol invasion, this was critical. The so-called “Battle of the Ice” played a key role in counteracting German expansion into northwestern Russia in the mid-13th century.

On April 5 (Military Day of Honor is celebrated on April 18), 1242, in the region of Lake Chudskoe (Peipus), Novgorod Prince Alexander Nevsky defeated the army of the Germanic Knights of the Livonian Order and the Episcopal Council of Dorpat. Alexander Nevsky’s Victory Day over the Germanic Knights on Lake Chudskoe (April 18) The Red Fleet of the workers and peasants on 11 February of the same year, and the decisive battles fought by the newly formed Red Army against German troops in February at Pskov and Narva (in the First World War). Russia celebrates Father’s Defender’s Day every 23 February to honor a number of events: the adoption of the Decree on the Creation of the Red Army of Workers and Peasants on January 28, 1918, the Decree on the Creation of the Red Army of Workers and Peasants. Defender of the Motherland Day (February 23) It was a turning point during World War II. On January 26 of the following year, Donfronten troops divided the army into two groups, destroying each one separately. On November 23, 1942, during Operation Uranus, the Red Army completely surrounded the German 6th Army at Stalingrad. Soviet soldiers in Stalingrad, January 1943.

The day of the defeat of the Nazi troops at the Battle of Stalingrad (February 2) The blockade of the Soviet Union’s second most important city, which lasted 872 days and claimed the lives of one and a half million people, was finally lifted. The day of the total liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade (January 27)ĭuring the Leningrad-Novgorod operation in January-March 1944, the Red Army repulsed Germany’s formidable army group North 180-280 km from Leningrad, forcing it to gain a foothold on the Panther-Wotan line of defense at the Estonian border. It is in their honor that the national military days were established. Many victories by the Russian armed forces have saved the country from destruction and changed world history.